
Run a virtual machine.


  • --daemonize: default false, when set, runs the VMM in the detached mode
  • --env-file: default none, full path to an environment file to apply to the VMM during bootstrap, multiple OK
  • --env: string key / string value in format key=value, additional environment variables to apply to the VMM during bootstrap, multiple OK
  • --from: no default, the image to launch from, for example: combust-labs/postgres:13
  • --identity-file: full path to the SSH public key to deploy to the machine during bootstrap, must be regular file, multiple OK
  • --hostname: hostname to apply to the VMM during bootstrap; if empty, a random name will be assigned
  • --name: no default, name of the VM, maximum 20 characters; allowed characters: letters and digits; if not specified, a random name will be generated

Firecracker / Jailer settings

  • --binary-firecracker: no default, path to the Firecracker binary, required, can be specified with a profile
  • --binary-jailer: no default, path to the Firecracker Jailer binary to use, required, can be specified with a profile
  • --chroot-base: default /srv/jailer, chroot base directory; can’t be empty or /, required, can be specified with a profile
  • --jailer-gid: default 0, Jailer GID value
  • --jailer-numa-node: default 0, Jailer NUMA node
  • --jailer-uid: default 0, Jailer UID value
  • --netns default /var/lib/netns, network namespace directory

Run cache

  • --run-cache: default /var/lib/firebuild, firebuild run cache base directory

Build machine configuration

  • --cni-network-name: no default, CNI network within which the build should run; it’s recommended to use a dedicated network for build process, required
  • --cpu, default 1, number of CPUs for the build VMM, required
  • --cpu-template: no default, CPU template (empty, C2 or T3)
  • --ht-enabled: default false, when specified, enable hyper-threading
  • --ip-address: no default, IP address to try to allocate to the VM; if not given, a new IP will be allocated
  • --kernel-args: default console=ttyS0 noapic reboot=k panic=1 pci=off nomodules rw, kernel arguments, required
  • --mem: default 128, amount of memory for the VMM in megabytes, required
  • --no-mmds: default false, if set, disables MMDS, the build process requires MMDS
  • --root-drive-partuuid: no default, root drive part UUID
  • --ssh-user: no default, SSH user, no effect during build
  • --vmlinux-id: no default, kernel ID / name

Misc settings

  • --log-firecracker-http-calls: default false, if set, logs Firecracker HTTP client calls in debug mode
  • --shutdown-graceful-timeout-seconds: default 30 seconds, graceful shutdown timeout before vmm is stopped forcefully

Remaining arguments

This command allows overriding the default command extracted from the Dockerfile or the Docker image. The command can be supplied by adding:

firebuild run ... -- command override

At the end of the firebuild command.


Start a machine without SSH access:

sudo firebuild run \
    --profile=standard \
    --from=combust-labs/consul:1.9.4 \
    --cni-network-name=machines \

Start a machine with SSH access:

sudo firebuild run \
    --profile=standard \
    --from=combust-labs/consul:1.9.4 \
    --cni-network-name=machines \
    --identity-file=/home/user/.ssh/ \
    --ssh-user=alpine \

Start a machine with command override:

sudo firebuild run \
    --profile=standard \
    --from=combust-labs/consul:1.9.4 \
    --cni-network-name=machines \
    --vmlinux-id=vmlinux-v5.8 -- agent -server -client -bootstrap-expect 3 -data-dir /consul/data